0488 772 932 info@tacresources.com

Workplace Health & Safety Consultancy


We know you don’t have the time to analyse risks or might not be able to see the risk around you. Our team of experts can help identify the hidden risks in your workplace.


We can also help you develop a method risk assessment tool and/or a principle risk assessments for your new projects. TAC Resources can conduct training in risk management for your management team and employees.




Risk Mitigation

Companies have a responsibility to ensure that the risk of injuries or illness to their employees and the public has been greatly reduced, or eliminated by developing systems to assess these risks. This process is known as risk mitigation or risk reduction.

Risk Assessment

A systematic examination of your workplace. It identifies significant hazards, assesses injury severity and likelihood, and implements control measures to reduce workplace risks.

Risk Management

A process of identifying, evaluating & prioritising risk in the workplace and/or eliminate the exposure of harm to your employees. The plan provides methods to help identify risk, to assess risk, to implement controls, and to measure the effectiveness of the implemented controls.

Policies & Procedures

Designed to influence and determine all major decisions, actions and all day to day activities that take place within an organisation. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol that is generally adopted by all areas of an organisation. Policies can assist in both subjective and objective decision making.

Workplace Audits

TAC Resources has a team of experts in all areas of safety from construction, mining, management to advisors that will come to your workplace and conduct an audit to ensure that your business meets the current State and Territory legislation. We are also able to provide safety advisors for short term or long-term contract.

Workplace Inspections

Regular inspections reduce workplace incidents and ensure that you provide a safe workplace, our team at TAC Resources can help you design and complete workplace inspections so that you can focus on what you do best. The team will provide you with recommendations based on industry standards.

Incident Investigation

A good investigation can provide a greater understanding of what went wrong and what elements lead to the incident. We can provide you with a team of experts to conduct an investigation on behalf of your company, providing you with an independent and thorough analysis to prevent the incident from reoccurring.

Pre-Start Toolbox Talk

Safety is our passion. TAC Resources has a team of trainers that can conduct a training session focusing on topics that are impacting your worksite.We can develop toolbox talks, hold safety impact meetings, and assist with pre-start meetings.

Health & Safety Representatives

Elected by the workgroup, not by management, these individuals represent the health and safety interests of all workers within their workgroup for your organisation. Where there are more than one person nominated by the workgroup an election must take place and the winner of the election will take on the role as the workgroup HSR. The second place typically is appointed as the HSR Deputy.

Health & Safety Committee

Health and safety committees aim to ensure that workers’ have a way of discussing WHS matters. The purpose of a health and safety committee is to provide a forum for management and workers to work together to identify and resolve health and safety problems within the workplace. They also develop and monitor safe systems, policies and procedure.

Emergency Management Plan

An emergency management plan can help you identify risks to your business. It also covers continuity and recovery plans to help your business prepare for and survive any emergency. Regardless of the damage, without a plan, the impact of this disaster on business operations could be even greater. TAC Resources emergency experts can assist you in advising the kind of impact an emergency event may have on your business. 

Emergency Evacuation Plan & Training

It is a legislative requirement that all businesses conduct regular emergency evacuation drills and discuss the outcomes, both positive and negative.

TAC Resources emergency experts can assist you and advise your business on how and when to conduct evacuation drills. Our team can help to run your drills and help with the debriefing after the event.

Fire Awareness & Evacuation Training

It is a mandatory requirement under the WHS Regulation 2011 that business conduct regular emergency evacuation training. Fire awareness training can prepare your business in the event of a fire at your premises. Our experts will be able to provide more information on how you can be prepared for any emergency event.

Fire Extinguisher Training

When a fire breaks out at your business, all your important assets, including your employees, are at risk. All your hard work and investments can be gone in seconds. Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher can prevent loss of life and minimise damages to your property.

Fire Warden Training

Knowing what to do is critical in the event of an emergency. TAC Resources can train your employees how to manage an emergency through your tailored Fire Warden Training.

First Aid Training

The most common questions asked are: How many First Aiders do I need?, What first aid items should I have? And how many First Aid kits are needed for my workplace? Your company must ensure that there is a provision of First Aid equipment for the workplace and that each worker at the workplace has access to the equipment and First Aid facilities.  Your company also must ensure that there is an adequate number of workers trained to administer First Aid. 

Site Safety Induction

Part of the Safety Management plan is to develop and conduct site safety inductions which should include but are not limited to:

  • Site information and Contacts
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Emergency Response Procedures
  • Hazards and Risks Management
  • First Aid
  • Return to Work
  • Workers Code of Conduct

SOP Training

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP’s) is a step-by-step instruction for a specific task which may be hazardous. The purpose of an SOP is to provide written guidance for a particular task so workers can successfully and safely complete their tasks. For example, a work procedure to operate a light vehicle would have step-by-step instructions on completing a pre-start, driving to conditions and site road rules.

Take 5 / Task 5 Training

The take 5 for safety process is a simple and effective way to increase safety awareness. There are a few variations to these such as StepBack. The process is basically taking 5 minutes to think about the hazards of the job. A take 5 does not replace a SWMS, JSA or risk assessment but rather engages the person to prepare the mind before the hands.

Job Safety Analysis & Job Hazard Analysis

JSA\JHA has been commonly used in industry for decades. A JSA\JHA is a form of risk assessment, which details step by step how the task is to be carried out safely. 

There are many different terms for a job safety analysis; JSEA (Job Safety and Environment Analysis), JHA (Job Hazard Analysis), SJA (Safe Job Analysis), Pre-Work Safety Check however, all these terms mean the same thing.

Safe Work Method Statements

SWMS is a document that sets out the high risk construction work activities to be carried out at a workplace, the hazards arising from these activities and the measures to be implemented to control the risks.

A SWMS is generally different from other documents that focus on specific tasks or processes, such as a Job Safety Analysis or a Safe Operating Procedure. A SWMS is not intended to be a procedure—rather it is a tool to help supervisors and workers confirm and monitor the control measures required at the workplace.

Let's get your safety on track.

Let's have a chat about your business and needs, and see if we're the right fit for you.


Health & Safety Expert

"It is your obligation as the person conducting business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure your workplace is free from hazards and that you provide a safe work place for everyone including employees, contractors, visitors or customers, and volunteers."