0488 772 932 info@tacresources.com

Our Services


We are leaders in Recruitment, Safety and Training with the understanding that people are the most valuable asset in driving your company’s performance.


We aim to provide you with the best staff for the job and the best safety for your employees and your business.



Our Services

Workplace Health & Safety Consultant

Our team of experts can help identify the hidden risks in your workplace. We can also help you develop a method risk assessment tool and/or a principle risk assessments for your new projects.

TAC Resources can conduct training in risk management for your management team and employees.

Emergency & Disaster Preparedness

Are you ready for an emergency? TAC Resources can help you prepare your emergency response plans, conduct fire extinguisher, fire warden training, and conduct evacuation drills. We also have many highly skilled emergency responders that can be sent to your facility to provide coverage if needed.

Special Projects

We will tailor any project specifically to suit you and your business - from AI technology, finding the right mine site for investing. Take a look at some of our previous projects to get an idea of our capabilities and experience: TARP - Tactical Assistance Response Program. FLETS - Fire, Locational, Environmental, Topographical Satellite. CEREF - Canungra Emergency Research and Educational Facility.

Health & Safety Training and Onboarding Program

Our job does not stop at the hiring process. TAC Resources can ensure that your new recruits are well trained by incorporating onboarding and training as part of your induction program.

Talent Acquisition & Recruitment Services

When it comes to hiring talent, the effort to find the right candidate, especially for key positions, can be an enormous task. The tasks are endless, very transactional, repetitive, and time- consuming. Let TAC Resources support you in finding the best people to help your business grow, and save you the time and headache!

Australian & International Recruitment Assistance

Combined with the understanding of how international businesses are conducted, the knowledge of the international standard, and with the support of the team from construction, mining, hospitality, oil and gas, and transportation background, TAC Resources can be your recruitment business partner.


HR & Recruitment Consultant

"As an experienced recruiter, I believe internship will give a newly graduated student a head start in the quest for his/her dream career and no doubt a competitive advantage.You will learn to interact will professionals in the industry, be familiar with the lingo, and receive mentorship from someone who has worked in the industry for many years. Consider internship program as a valuable investment because, after the completion of the program, you will hopefully learn the practical application of what you studied at university and able to step into the real world with confidence.​​"


Health & Safety Expert

"It is your obligation as the person conducting business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure your workplace is free from hazards and that you provide a safe work place for everyone including employees, contractors, visitors or customers, and volunteers."